Saturday, November 13, 2010

My specific strengths from PSI

My specific strengths from PSI

  1. cautious with people
  2. Likes Fact
  3. Personal reactions
  4. Feelings are superior
  5. Makes quick decision
  6. Flexible, adaptable
  7. Gets general impression
learning team
These traits help me with dealing with people, I don't argue with people. I maintain a harmony withing the learning team, I try to contribute to my LT the vast knowledge I have learned reading so many news and articles. 
Also from my past work experiences.
I don't go too close to people so much, I keep a boudary. I understand people and don't iritate them.
I also make quick decision what ever can group says. i don't stick to my point.

Class Participation 
I have lot of knowledge and facts with me from  past experiences. I can relate things better. As I am an introvert, it sometimes tough to talk out in class if I am not so certain. My thinking and vocal output process becomes out of sync when I am tensed and words don't come in my mouth.
This is the main reason i don't raise my hand much in class. Many of the points I want to say in the class are told by my other class mates. When I have a real point to add, someone else tells it.
The biggest advantage is that I sit in first row, Whatever it is I listen to the professor and try to learn. I also sometimes feel that when I want to do CP, I don't concentrate on the information flow.

Self Studies
Time management is really bad, I study at the last moment. One advantage is that I read fast, which has come by reading many newspaper and reading comprehensions while preparing for GMAT.
I am week in accounting, It is not that  I   don't get concepts write but the professor is scaring us a lot that people fail. I am trying to master it because I like it. I can't concentrate for long. I like videos better than books.

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